
Design, collaborate, and prototype your projects with this open-source, web-based tool.

Pricing: $175/mo.



About PenPot is a versatile design and prototyping tool that enables seamless collaboration between designers and developers through its open-source, web-based platform.

Key Features:

  • Open-Source: Free to use and modify.
  • Web-Based: Accessible from any device with a browser.
  • Real-Time Collaboration: Multiple users can work simultaneously.
  • SVG Native: Files are saved in the standard SVG format.
  • Design Components: Create reusable elements for consistency.
  • Prototyping: Create interactive prototypes with animations and transitions.
  • Developer Handoff: Generate code snippets for seamless implementation.
  • Community Plugins: Extend functionality with custom plugins.
  • Self-Hosting: Option to host on your own server.
  • Version History: Track changes and revert to previous versions.
  • Design Systems: Create and manage scalable design systems.

Use Cases:

  • UI/UX Design: Create user interfaces and user experiences.
  • Web Design: Design websites and web applications.
  • Mobile App Design: Design mobile apps for iOS and Android.
  • Prototyping: Create interactive prototypes for testing and feedback.
  • Design Collaboration: Collaborate with other designers and developers.
  • Developer Handoff: Streamline the process of handing off designs to developers.

How Works:

  1. Create an Account: Sign up for a free account on
  2. Create a New Project: Start a new design project.
  3. Design: Use the various tools to create your design.
  4. Prototype: Add interactivity to your design.
  5. Collaborate: Share your design with others for feedback and collaboration.
  6. Developer Handoff: Generate code snippets for developers.
  7. Export: Export your design in various formats.

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